Crystal Bay

Filed under Dive Sites

Crystal Bay
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Located on the south side of Gamat bay, south west of Nusa Penida there is another bay with rocky island in the middle of it, called Crystal Bay.
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Toya Pakeh

Filed under Dive Sites

Toya Pakeh
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Located on the islands northwest point, the channel between Nusa Penida and Nusa Ceningan is probably the single most popular dive site on Nusa Penida and is regarded by many as the best. It’s recognition comes not only because it is partially protected from the current flowing through the strait between Nusa Penida and Nusa Ceningan, but also the water is clear and the coral is rich.
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SD, Ped, Sental, Buyuk

Filed under Dive Sites

SD, Ped, Sental, Buyuk
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These dive sites are located on the coast of northern Nusa Penida and offer great drift diving. The reef is healthy and has a similar structure all along this stretch, a steep slope of low hard coral, with patches of bommies that runs to depth of 50 meters or more.

Current is always present in this area which means our dive will always be a drift dive from a pleasant, relaxing knot, which can be up to 4 knots.

Diving in Nusa Lembongan

Filed under Diving News

Diving in Nusa Lembongan
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Nusa Lembongan is a small island off the southeast coast of Bali. It is offering magical white sand beaches with clear blue waters, fish saturated coral reefs and superb views across the ocean of Mount Agung on Bali. Nusa Lembongan has several thousand locals, engaged in seaweed farming activities as well as serving tourist needs. Similarities to the Bukit Peninsula create a quiet environment, ideal for relaxation.

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Filed under Surf Breaks Surfing

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Rating: 3.5/5 (4 votes cast)

Walk up beach from drop-off, chose surf-style with view of the ocean. Sit back and enjoy. Can appear flat during low tide, suddenly grows with incoming tide to be very awesome. Short, intense ride, fairly safe, although can be shallow on the far inside. Easy tube, and right-hander makes it popular.
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Filed under Surf Breaks Surfing

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Rating: 3.6/5 (5 votes cast)

If staying at the places in the cliff overlooking the break, it’s a short (5 min) paddle out to this spot. Follow the rope leading out, it makes it easier to guage the channel! Paddle around the right, if you try to paddle acroos the left and then around, your arms will give up on you before you start.
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Surfing in Nusa Lembongan

Filed under News Surfing

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Rating: 4.6/5 (9 votes cast)

Nusa Lembongan is 20km off Bali’s East Coast and just an hours cruise across the Badung Strait. It’s a small island with a population of less than 4,000 friendly locals - the water is crystal clear which makes for excellent diving and snorkelling, and with fewer visitors than the main areas of Bali, surfers can enjoy a less crowded surf at the breaks on Lembongan.
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