
Filed under Surf Breaks Surfing

VN:F [1.7.2_963]
Rating: 4.3/5 (4 votes cast)

Off the SW tip of the barely populated Ceningan island is a lefthander that lines up rolling walls with a nice steep pocket and predictable sections. Some protection from the trades but it can get messy with currents and deepwater channel affecting the swell.
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Filed under Surf Breaks Surfing

VN:F [1.7.2_963]
Rating: 3.5/5 (2 votes cast)

Hard core right with excellent, wide open tube time on offer as the tide floods the sharp, shallow reef. It’s a pitching, air-drop entry from the peak into a straight barrel section then a further sucky bowl as it approaches the channel marked by floating mooring lines that litter the bay.
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Filed under Surf Breaks Surfing

VN:F [1.7.2_963]
Rating: 3.5/5 (4 votes cast)

Walk up beach from drop-off, chose surf-style with view of the ocean. Sit back and enjoy. Can appear flat during low tide, suddenly grows with incoming tide to be very awesome. Short, intense ride, fairly safe, although can be shallow on the far inside. Easy tube, and right-hander makes it popular.
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Filed under Surf Breaks Surfing

VN:F [1.7.2_963]
Rating: 3.6/5 (5 votes cast)

If staying at the places in the cliff overlooking the break, it’s a short (5 min) paddle out to this spot. Follow the rope leading out, it makes it easier to guage the channel! Paddle around the right, if you try to paddle acroos the left and then around, your arms will give up on you before you start.
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Surfing in Nusa Lembongan

Filed under News Surfing

VN:F [1.7.2_963]
Rating: 4.1/5 (11 votes cast)

Nusa Lembongan is 20km off Bali’s East Coast and just an hours cruise across the Badung Strait. It’s a small island with a population of less than 4,000 friendly locals - the water is crystal clear which makes for excellent diving and snorkelling, and with fewer visitors than the main areas of Bali, surfers can enjoy a less crowded surf at the breaks on Lembongan.
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