Manta Point
This is a lime stone rock off the southwest coast of Nusa Penida. The above water scenery is dramatic, with lime stone cliffs that descend straight into the ocean. The swell can be very strong, therefore Pro Dive Bali recommends this dive should be done early in the morning, before the wind starts to pick up.
The profile is a slope down and there is no coral at all, just bare limestone rock. There is no real current in here just swell. The only reason to dive here is to see the mantas. You may also see other pelagic such as tuna, and tiger mackerel.
Please be aware that if mantas aren’t there, there is nothing else to see, except water, sand, limestone rock and your buddy. This is the place where they usually come to feed, so there is no guarantee you see them. But if you are lucky you will be surrounded by these pelagic which are 2-4m wide and totally harmless as they eat plankton.
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